Technical Training Success
‘In Malawi there is a direct relationship between the level of education and level of poverty.’ -MCV Director, Felix

In January 2022, the technical training program at MCV held a special pilot to expand technical training skills to the vulnerable in the MCV area. The 30 trainees were undereducated from poor families and motivated to find a reliable source of income. The program was expediated and the 30 trainees graduated with technical skills after just 3 months. MCV also provided each graduate with the equipment needed to encourage their success.
Read more about the first program in the report by MCV Director here.
The second cohort of trainees starts in September and is made up of thirty students who were selected by MCV Village Volunteers. All of them are MCV orphans or vulnerable children who are from poor families and no way providing for their families. These students will master masonry or hospitality/tourism. For students doing hospitality management MCV has made an agreement with a local tourism college (Dawn College of tourism to do the training), while those doing masonry will be trained by MCV Technical college. The masonry graduates will help MCV in village house building and repairs.