2020 Newsletter
Did you miss our 2020 Newsletter? If so, go to this link now to learn more about all the great projects MCV has been doing even during the pandemic.

Read our President’s Address below.
‘Around the world the coronavirus pandemic has impacted people’s lives, significantly challenging most organizations and businesses, regardless of their location. The virus and efforts to prevent its spread threaten the way of life that we have taken for granted, including how we view / prioritize what is truly important. Malawi Children’s Village and the 3,000+ orphans located in the 39 villages it serves along the shore of Lake Malawi are no exception.
Businesses and schools in the developed world shifted to virtual spaces instead of physical proximity for continuity, yet what comprises a business, school or organization at its core? We have been reminded that relationships and interactions between people, even if they are never physically in the same space, are the central theme that matters most.
MCV’s origin was built on love, concern, compassion and most importantly – action for those most vulnerable who were impacted by the AIDS epidemic that raced through Africa leaving scores of children without parents and with little hope. Yet, it was the action by MCV’s founders that made the difference, from across the globe.
Twenty-three years later, MCV is facing another worldwide challenge that is threatening the lives and way of life for the communities that it serves. Unlike those in the USA, Canada or Europe, in Malawi the lack of access to technology prevents the continuation of things like education, tele-medicine and working from home is unrealistic for most types of jobs. Unemployment is even more prevalent now with no access to governmental support programs.
Yet, MCV continues to provide support to the most vulnerable – orphans and children with special needs, along with the extended families that care for them and the communities in which they live. The articles in this newsletter reflect the accomplishments of the dedicated staff at MCV both prior to and following the pandemic’s arrival, as they strive to meet people’s continuing and growing needs. At the heart of their success lies the kind and compassionate actions of our donors, who are physically distanced from MCV, yet are close in spirit.
On behalf of MCV, Zikomo (Thank you) for the relationship you have in the MCV community.‘- James