Welcome to the new MCV Website.
Welcome to the new MCV website: www.malawichildrensvillage.org The new site uses a variety of media to make more information available to our friends and donors than ever before. We hope that you’ll find the navigation easier to use than the old site, and that you’ll be able to find out everything you want to know about Malawi, our organization’s work there, and ways that you can donate and become involved with the program.
This site has a couple of exciting features that we think you’ll enjoy.
- The new media section gives you access to radio stories, videos, photos, and print media from Malawi.
- The MCV blog, will keep you up to date on the latest information from Malawi. You can subscribe to the blog via email to receive MCV updates from a variety of contributors, including MCV staff, board members, and other volunteers and donors. We will keep you up to date on the latest news from Malawi, and we invite you to contribute your own thoughts by leaving comments.
We plan to make lots of improvements to this new site. While we are now live, we are not finished with our site, and we will continue to make improvements until both we and our donors our satisfied with the new site. As we continue to build out the content of our new site, please keep in mind that we are a small organization with no paid US staff, and inconsistent internet access in Malawi. We appreciate your patience with us as we improve our site and make more information available to all of you. If you have feedback about the new site, or would like to help us improve it in anyway, please contact me at conor@malawichildrensvillage.org
Thanks for visiting www.malawichildrensvillage.org. We hope you enjoy it!