Treasurer’s Report 2016
Missed the 2016 MCV Newsletter in the mail? Read it here on the blog. Read more stories from the newsletter here.
Although our official thank you to donors is written in the receipt by our bookkeeper, we thank our supporters throughout the year! You all have helped with the many needs of our orphans and other vulnerable children: education, housing, health, clothes, food and clean water.
We receive student appreciation and follow them as they graduate, get, jobs, give back to the community and send thank you notes to donors.
You can be proud of your contributions. You are truly helping many children in the 38 villages served.
October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016
Direct Public Grants $14,815
Direct Public Support $173,786
Other Types of Income $146
Total Revenue $188,747
Supporting Services
Business License $50
Bookkeeper $4,800
Tax Preparation $750
Bank Fees and Wire Costs $626
Insurance $1,408
Newsletter & Thank You’s $3,791
Supplies $196
PayPal Fees $722
Website Fees $217
PO Box Rental $348
Total Supporting Services $12,907
Program Services
Grants $55,100
Designated Funds $84,435
Orphan School Tuition $21,050
Total Program Services $160,585
Total Expenses $173,492
MCV Foundation has no paid staff and our board members pay all of their own expenses. As the activity statement above indicate, 92% of last years expenses were invested directly in programs and support in Malawi.