The 2025 Newsletter is HERE!
Every fall, Malawi Children’s Village staff, volunteers, and board members work together to put together a newsletter that highlights MCV’s recent successes, events, and projects. If you did not get a newsletter in the ‘snail’ mail and would like to in the future, please sign up here (at the bottom of the page).
You can see an electronic copy of our 2024 newsletter and others here.

Here is a wonderful article from MCV’s Director, Felix, with highlights from MCV’s 2025 accomplishments!
Highlights of MCV’s Accomplishments from MCV’s Director: Felix Chirombo
- Currently MCV supports 2,934 orphans and vulnerable children.
- 154 orphans/vulnerable children are sponsored to attend Gracious Secondary School.
- 150 students have completed the new technical training program quickly giving them valuable skills to earn a living.
- 500 bags of beans and 680 50 kg bags of maize were distributed to families in 2023 to help with food shortages.
- The Special Needs Program provided support to over 500 children in the Cerebral Palsy Clinic and built or repaired almost 200 adaptive chairs or devices.
- There are 37 irrigation project sites with about 15 families each. In addition to treadle pumps, solar pumps are now being used. These enhanced farming allows more than 500 families to benefit from increased crop yield.
- 120 goats were distributed to 40 families to kick off the ‘Goat Pass-On Project’ supporting more sustainable
food sources - MCV gave out 363 bed nets and 200 blankets to vulnerable children. Five homes were constructed, and 32 were repaired for those families keeping orphans.