Storm Damage at MCV
‘It never rains but it pours for the people around the MCV catchment area.‘-Felix, MCV Director.

Before they have had a chance to fully recover from cyclone Freddy, the people of Malawi face another disaster! In the first week of February, there was a severe wind and rainstorm which caused great damage around the MCV catchment area. To make damages worse, this was preceded by a very dry season which made the crop yield small and fragile. The recent storm has left many homeless as some of the houses are fully ruined and others partially collapsed. Not only the houses are affected but also many trees have been completely knocked down. The trees entangled with electric power lines as they were falling down which caused major black outs for weeks.

We are thankful that no human or livestock lives were lost however the damage is great. Houses are missing walls, roofs, or gone completely. While we are still gathering information, the initial count of houses affected is 56 homes without a roof and 30 houses with partially affected loose or missing walls across 12 villages in the MCV catchment area.
In addition to housing damages, the storm also damaged crops and local infrastructures. MCV has already committed to send over funds for housing, food, and supplies. At the request of MCV director, MCV board sent over $12,000 in emergency funds and will likely need to send more.
The breakdown of some initial needed items:
1. Food: Maize flour: $5000
2. House/Roof repairs: $6000
3. Household items: $1500
For context: A typical Malawian family will use two 50kg bags of maize/month and the current price has increased to $30/bag!
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