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My Unforgettable Day – Francis Chabukar (Gracious Student Composition)

By: Francis Chabukar, Form 2B

I was very surprised that I was a J. C. candidate. I am very happy with secondary school. The day I started secondary school is my most unforgettable day
This day is so memorable to me because it was my first time to go to secondary school. It was very exciting for me. When I arrived at school I felt happy to see that the teachers were ready and waiting to teach us.
Secondary school is my chance to learn geography, biology, history, and do experiments in the laboratory; therefore, I was very happy to start school. In primary school we did not have these things. “Fantastic” I said when I saw these wonderful things.
In class Miss Kennedy taught us English. She taught us about traits of good writing. After that I went for lunch and had some delicious food. When I finished eating, I came back to school again. At that time Mr. Maliki, the French man, came to teach agriculture in the class. He left and another teacher came and taught us biology and geography. After all that I went home.
The day I went to secondary school for the first time is my most unforgettable day. On that day I started learning geography, biology, English, and agriculture. It was so memorable to me to do experiments in laboratory! I felt happy when I started secondary school.

Francis Chabukar is a quiet, serious 16 year old student in 2B. He lives in Mbapi village with his father, stepmother and six brothers and sisters spread out with aunts, uncles, and grandparents in their area. His father, Mr. Phiri, teaches English at Gracious school. Francis commutes to school twice each day, either by walking or by bicycle, for class and evening study hall. It was as a result of this composition that Francis was chosen to participate in our after school composition group.