Mitzvah Mall: A Yearly Fundraising Success Story
Congregation Beth Sholom is once again sponsoring MITZVAH MALL on November 12, 2023 from 12-3 PM. Mitzvah Mall is a holiday gift from Congregation Beth Sholom to the Anchorage community. This year there will be 24 non-profit organizations with representatives to share their stories of the assistance they give to those in need. Malawi Children’s Village is excited to participate again.
A non-denominational bizarre bazaar that is an alternative gift fair!
This year Malawi Children’s Village has chosen to focus on these three items:
- $18 Blanket
- $36 Maize to feed a family for a month.
- $280 One year of school tuition for an orphan
Mitzvah Mall will be on Sunday, November 12 from 12-3 PM at Congregation Beth Sholom, 7525 E. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage. For further information go to Congregation Beth Sholom’s website here: